A slumpity funk
I’m going to sound a bit like a privileged brat here, given the life I’m granted, but I came away from last fall completely drained. I am forever grateful for the clients who trust me with capturing them and their loved ones, and yet, I know I took on way too much last fall. December, and especially January, were reset and reboot months that entailed a lot of sleeping, reading, eating, board games and a few tears. I haven’t even done my yearly review, which seems to be the only time I really use this space. Oops. All of my intentions to write more tend to drain away as soon as I start shooting again.
Last year was very full of international retreats with Heartventures. I was able to travel to Madeira, Portugal, Santorini, Greece and again to the Highlands of Scotland with incredible women. These retreats fill me up so completely and I can’t wait for this year’s Heartventures in Spain, Tuscany and the Dolomites of Italy. We still have space in all of them and if you’re interested, check them out HERE
Yesterday, I was sitting here, editing and feeling a desire for a very intimate retreat for photographers. As I do whenever I feel myself craving something, I create it of you. Haha! This Creative Soul Retreat will focus a lot on creating images you feel in your bones. Ones that stop you in your tracks and make you wonder how it was made. Family photography that feels like real life (because it is), portrait photography that feeds the soul, a couples session that is a little bit steamy, and some editing sessions that teach you some tricks you might now know about, including how to create composites without using AI.
This retreat will only be for 4 lucky participants. Will you be one of them?
You can find all of the details HERE
In the meantime, I hope your winter season is a nice little hibernation for you to rest your bodies and minds and slow yourself down a wee bit!
If had to choose one image that represented how last year felt (because despite the burnout at the end, the year was incredible) this would be it: standing on rock on our hike between Fira and Oia on Santorini Greece, at a spot where I could see the entire island from where I was standing. It was incredible and in that moment, I felt entirely present and grounded.