A Divine Twist of Madness and Glory

A Note on Motherhood

It’s blessed and cursed and all the in betweens. It’s the best and the worst and the mediocre mundane that when gathered up make the sweetest smelling bouquet of wildflowers. Wild, because whose child is tame? And which mother wants them to be? Wild, because every day is a mixed bag of weeds and beauty and sometimes it means squinting hard enough that the colours blur together into a Monet. Sometimes all it takes is seeing them asleep and the colours bleed together with time and you realize you’re running out.

It’s the non stop chaos in your head mimicking the chaos of trying hard to hold on, knowing the eventual silence will be deafening. It’s never this or that, it’s all and always and snot and poop and tears. It’s teaching them to tie their shoes, blow their nose, puke in a toilet, and wipe their own bums. TO WASH THEIR HANDS. Like it will kill them if their fingers get wet. It’s don’t touch, no to playing baseball in the house, no to making the bathroom into a swimming pool, no to painting the couch because it will look pretty with rainbows (when did I become the bad guy?) It’s the epic relief when you can actually say yes.

It’s waking up from a dead sleep in the middle of the night to a silent child standing at the foot of your bed. It’s the 25000 things they suddenly need to do 5 minutes before bed and if they don’t do them, THE WORLD WILL END. It’s also when they sink into your body like they never left. And how they smile and light up the rooms inside of you that you never knew were dark. It’s when they are 9 and still take your hand when walking down the street. It’s when they laugh or solve a problem or hit a ball or sneeze and you can’t contain the sheer pride that they exist to do all these things and you get to watch. Its incredible fascination that these animals that sometimes resemble humans, exist because we made them. It’s a divine twist of madness and glory. It’s when they call you Mama.

If you’re interested in having raw, real, chaotic and peaceful, beautiful and timeless images of your motherhood, let’s capture this madness together. Motherhood sessions are now available to book for May 5th. 1/2 hour sessions, at my house (address sent out later), $500+tax. There are limited spots so Click HERE NOW to get yours!


A slumpity funk